Lewis, Norman's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Golden Earth : Travels in Burma1952
2.Word power made easy : the complete three-week vocabulary builder1955
3.The New pocket Roget's thesaurus in dictionary form1969
4.A Dragon apparent : travels in Indo-China1951
5.Word power made easy : the complete three-week vocabulary builder
6.RSVP with etymology : y Norman Lewis1981
7.Reading, spelling, vocabnlary, pronunciation1972
8.Instant word power1981
9.How to read better and faster1958
10.A Single pilgrim : a novel1953
11.Dictionary of correct spelling:ba handy reference guide /cby Norman Lewis1962
12.The new rogrt's thesaurus : in dictionary form1961
13.When citizens complain : Reforming justice and administration1993